Thursday, January 8, 2015

Three Bears - Informational Text

     My students returned from Holiday Vacation ready to go!  We had learned and retold the story of "Goldilocks and The Three Bears" before vacation.  So, I read a new story, "Alaska's Three Bears" by Shelley Gill and Shannon Cartwright to start this lesson. We compared this book's appearance to those of "The Three Bears" read earlier.  We talked about folktales being a fictional or imaginary stories.  Then, we talked about non-fictional books being about actual facts.  This story is both a story, and has facts about polar bears, grizzly bears, and black bears.  We also found Alaska on our globe and I pointed out the different parts of Alaska that would have polar, grizzly, or black bears.   As we read, we took notes on a chart to help us organize the facts we discovered. 

    After recall and discussion, we broke into groups to draw about the facts we discovered.  I asked them to draw the type of bear we discussed and where it lived including what it needed to eat.  It is really quite amazing how they can get the colors and feeling right about these animals.

     We shared our drawings with each other and made a display for our classroom.  The colors of the polar bear scene made a good introduction to north pole/south pole appearance and our study of penguins!

          For snack, we made bear biscuits!  We took one whole refrigerator biscuit, and 3 small pieces cut from another biscuit rolled for ears and snout to make the bear face.  Then, we used raisins, chocolate chips or craisins to add details.  We served them with honey and they were delicious!!!

     You can find this lesson and 19 more in our Informational Text Book - check it out!  


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