Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bridge Building STEM Activity

     Today we read "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" story.  Several children had heard it before. We took our time and discussed the sizes of the goats, who was younger, did they plan to trick the troll?, etc., etc.  

     Then, I introduced the challenge - build a bridge using the materials available with a spot to go over like the goats and a place to go under like the troll.  They were to work together with one or two other people.  I chose the partners because I wanted them to practice working with someone they did not often work with.  I gave each team a box with materials for bridge building.  The boxes had slightly different materials in them.  All had blocks. Some had tape, paper clips, rubber bands, straws, gauze, boxes, ribbon or combinations.  In about 15 minutes we looked at each bridge to see how they worked out the challenge.  I asked each group if they encountered any "problems" and what solutions they found.  Each group was glad to talk about their problems!

This group had a problem getting their two long sides to stand up when they propped them in an A shape together.  They solved it by using tape for the top of the bridge.  The small block on the side is a ladder (paper clip rungs are taped to the side) to help the goats get on top of the tall bridge.

This group designated blocks for their characters.  The goats are ordered by size.  They had difficulty getting a ribbon to surround the bridge.  First it was too long so they cut it.  Then, too short so they taped some back together:)

This group wished they had tape.  The gauze bridge kept falling and they wanted to tape it up.  But, they solved the problem by threading paper clips through the holes in the gauze and using them as weights to hold the bridge up.
This group had difficulty with the under part as they used the tape on the table.  So, they changed the thin line to a trail leading to the bridge.  The block structure is the troll and the wide part of tape is the water.  They needed more time to build the bridge over the troll.
This group used rubber bands to secure the gauze to the blocks.  They wanted to make a flag, but it kept falling over and they ran out of time to fix it.  When we looked at everyone's work, the other children suggested they place the flag into the holes of the gauze to hold it up - it worked!

     The children enjoyed the activity very much - it brought a different spark and learning in context with the story.  There were ample opportunities for language, problem solving, and cooperation!
Enjoy!  Molly

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