Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Artistic Numerals

     Last week we made artistic numerals to display in our classrooms.  Our students are so proud to display their work!  Their efforts both provide a great classroom number sequence and help the students to learn their numerals and counting sequence.  Find templates for free at our tpt store:  http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Artistic-Numerals-423945 

     First children choose a numeral to make their own.  We get in a sequence line holding our number in front and then see who is one greater than our number and one fewer.  Then, children paint their number inside the lines.  This year I had 1 through 5 use one color, 5-10 use another, 10-15 use another, 15 - 20 use another, and 20+ use another.  I thought it might help them see the groups of 5.  Then, we let them dry. They can try to sequence them again.  

     The next day we looked at an art print like this one, "No. 5".  We simply ask children what they notice about the painting.  They notice the numeral 5 with 3 different sizes, the letters, the colors, and the type of lines they see.  Then, we offer their numeral to use as a piece of art similar to this one.  This year I provided markers, glitter glue, and stickers for the art work.  I asked them to try and follow around the numeral with a dark color to help the numeral show up well.


     After they dry again, we had a "gallery stroll".  I placed the numerals on their tables before they came in to class.  Then, I played some instrumental music.  When the music plays, the students walk around looking quietly at the art on the tables.  When the music stops, they stop.  I choose a student and ask a question.  This time I just asked what they noticed.  Then, we continue strolling and stopping to comment until we have enough.  

     Finally, we hung them up in order for all to see:)

     Happy teaching!

Yours truly,

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