Saturday, December 20, 2014

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

The week before Holiday Break seems like a good time to read and learn from the story of "Goldilocks and The Three Bears".  We enjoyed many learning activities from our math and literacy lesson pack "The Three Bears" 

Kindergarten Literacy and Math with The Three Bears

We retold the story many times using the interactive book and props.

We reviewed color words and used them to write a sentence about sitting in chairs.

We figured out how many red bowls and blue bowls Mama Bear could use to make porridge for 10!

After learning about characters, setting, and story structure, we made character puppets to use with our friends to retell the story.


Molly C

The Crayon Box that Talked

     My class started getting a little snippy with each other and had some difficulties sharing and being kind earlier this month.  We addressed the problem by reading "The Crayon Box That Talked" by Shane Derolf and Michael Letzig.

    Then, students worked together using crayons to draw a cooperative picture.  I listened for kind words and actions toward each other.  We talked about how it felt to use and to receive kind words.  I took a picture of each group working.

Later, I hung the drawings along with the photos and book for display.  This has been the most popular display in the classroom.  My students love to find their photo and the things they drew.  I like to think that it is because they enjoyed the good feeling of kindness and remember it when they remember their work.



Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gingerbread Men!

     Run, run as fast as you can. You can't  catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!!!

     We read a few versions of the Gingerbread Man story last week.  This was a great opportunity to talk about story characters.  We also recalled the beginning (B), middle (M), and end (E) of the story.  Then, we just had to made some of our own!

     We made them by making a ball of dough for the tummy, a smaller ball for the head, and some dough snakes for the arms and legs.  We decorated them with chocolate chips and raisins.  Fortunately, they did not run away!

     We wrote about who our gingerbreads could be running away from using Teaching with love and laughter's adorable printable.  You can get this for free at
     We used our free Gingerbread teen number ten frames match that's part of our Winter Counting Pack - Get it for free here:

     We also made some gingerbread playdo by adding cinnamon, ginger, and cloves to a basic playdo recipe.  What fun!

     Molly C