Sunday, April 26, 2015

Wonderful Worms!

     Oh, my!  After studying about spring weather we just had to include a day of worms!  It was so exciting this year!  We started with learning some facts about worms - I used Wonderful Worms by Linda Glaser as the main text with some additional non-fiction books for them to look at on their own.
     We wrote facts learned about worms in a small booklet.  The topic or subject goes on the front green page, facts inside on the yellow pages, and how the child feels about the subject on the last green page.  

     Then, each child received a worm to take care of and to observe and learn from using a set of experiments.  I designed 3 experiments for them to try.

1.  Do our worms move toward a dark or a light area?
2.  Do our worms move toward or away from a lemon slice?
3.  Do our worms move toward a wet or dry area?

After the experimenting, we compiled our observations and found that most of our worms went to the dark area, moved away from the lemon, and moved toward the wet.

     Later in the day we read a fictional story about worms, Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin.  I found a really cute packet available from First Grade Blue SKies on Teachers Pay Teachers,  We used her story format to write our own fictional stories about our worm!

     All in all it was a slimy, but fun packed day of learning!!!  



Sorry!!!  I'm not sure why I can't get some of my pictures oriented correctly!

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