Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Mitten

     We love to use the story of The Mitten for kindergarten learning.  The story alone has great potential for discussion - Who are the characters?  What happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story?  Why did grandma not want to make the mitten white?  ... ... We also like to use this story to compare and contrast fiction and non-fiction.  We use this opportunity to do research on the animals in the mitten.  This year, small groups of students read books and watched video clips about a specific animal .  They took notes about facts they learned.  We shared information with our class by completing sentence starters about each animal during circle time.

Moles can dig really fast.

Moles have whiskers.

Moles live underground.

Moles have storage rooms for worms. 

Badgers have babies in burrows.
(Teacher forgot the g!)

Badgers can back off big animals.

Badgers are expert diggers.

Hedgehogs are good seers.

Hedgehogs can eat snails.

Hedgehogs have 7000 quills.

Foxes are wild animals.

Foxes can smell really far.

Foxes have dens.

Students worked with their group to draw and paint their animal as it's actual size.  We combined the animals of all three classes for a display in our school.

  We shared our learning with parents by filming a kindergarten documentary about "Animals of the Mitten".

Kindergarten Writing Activities - An Entire Year of Lessons
This lesson in detail and 19 others can be found in our lesson book, "Kindergarten Writing Activities" at

Yours truly,

     Molly & Laura

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