Friday, February 20, 2015

Valentine's Day

     We love to use natural opportunities to encourage writing.  With all the card giving, Valentine's Day is a perfect time for writing!  Before the holiday, we write and mail a letter home! 

     I provide a mailbox in the classroom and envelopes for children to continue the process of writing notes home and to friends.  A week later, they continue to use the papers and envelopes to write notes and letters!  Our lesson book, Kindergarten Writing Activities, offers 20 complete lesson ideas for authentic, engaging activities in Kindergarten.  It is available in our Teachers Pay Teachers store:

     We also like to tie Valentine's Day along with 100th Day since they always fall so close together.  One fun way is to try and collect 100 hearts.  Our three kindergarten classes found many creative ways to make hearts this year.

      We have found that many of the cards also come with treats now.  So, this year I found a fun and nutritious idea - heart sandwiches!  I cut out hearts from bread, cheese, salami, ham and cucumbers.  I enlisted my husband's help in the morning before school and between the two of us it really didn't take too long.  We had quite a bit for everyone - my kindergartners ate every bit!

     For math, I purchased Heart Sticker Addition from Maria Manore. Heart Sticker Addition - Interactive Addition Practice  After picking up some heart stickers - the kids loved it.  I have used it in the past with children drawing hearts as well.  When we were working with the problems this year, one of my students said that he couldn't believe how many ways to make 5 there were.  So, I made this composing problem to use the following day with our leftover stickers.  Feel free to copy and use this if you wish!

     Have a LOVEly day!

Yours truly, 

  Molly C.

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