Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall Collections

     We asked families to help our students find some "signs of fall" as part of their homework last weekend.  Along with a note requesting the activity, we sent a baggie for the collection.  Almost all students brought in seed pods, tree nuts, leaves, grass seed heads, dried flower heads, etc.  Because some did not participate from home, we combined all the collections into one.  My class looked at the collection together at our circle area.  Children shared ideas about what types of things we saw.  We drew circles on the large paper and I wrote a label for the type of items that could go in that circle.  For example, I wrote flower seed heads in one circle and reddish orange leaves in another.  Laura's class observed and sorted their collection materials in a sensory table with a small group during centers.

"Everyone say - fall!"
Then, we read the book "Leaf Man" by Lois Ehlert.  The children loved finding various animals and leaf men on the pages.  We were motivated to make leaf men of our own!


     Later, I put together baggies of various more durable parts of the fall collection in sorted by type and in quantities of 6 to 12 (the number set my kiddos are currently working on) items.  For math, children chose a baggie and explored, counted & recorded the contents on a work sheet.  They did this twice and compared the quantities.  

     Those beautiful fall colors motivated us to sing about the color words and introduce red, yellow, orange, brown, and green.  We used this read and color sheet to practice some with the new words.  You can download it for free below.  These activities and many more are available in our "Fall Fun Kindergarten Math & Literacy Lesson Bundle" at tpt.
Click link for free download.
     Hope your fall is coming along well!!!

     Yours truly,

               Molly C

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