Monday, March 23, 2015

Character Study

     We use this lesson with Peter and the Wolf, but any story with full characters would work.  First, we learn the story and characters well.  Then, we begin discussion about the characters.  Together we list some of the traits that might describe each character.  

     Then, students decide what character they would like to describe.  They quickly glue the character picture inside a folded piece of writing paper. I have pictures of the characters available and writing papers folded. 

Next, they write clues about the character.  I asked them to write 3 clues last week describing their character.

     Finally, we read our clues to others and ask them to guess what character we were describing.  This is so motivating!

Here my photos will not come in right side up!  One child writes about the wolf - It has sharp teeth.  It has hair.  It likes your taste.  Another child writes about the hunters - manly, strong, happy.

     As extensions, we also visit and learn about musical instruments with our school's band class.  And, we draw musical instruments for a display.


     Molly and Laura

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